Sunday, December 15, 2013

English Assignment: Self-reliance

 Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote a literature piece called "Self-Reliance", has his own way of thinking and a different perspective of life than other people. This is what attracted me to his writings.Him being a nonconformist makes it hard for us to put our selves in his place and see what things he may criticise and what things he may praise. For example social media as in Skype, I think that Emerson would have praised the idea since its leading people to stay in contact no matter how far they are away from each other.As for another thing that Emerson may have criticised it is the google or any search engine. He wouldn't have liked the idea since people don't put any effort in getting the information. They simply copy paste it from the internet and totally forget about it, since they aren't put effort then it wont enrich their minds. Of course this isn't accurate no one can think the same way as a self-reliant person.

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